Memento Desktop 3.3.1 2024-08-06 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 3.3.0 2024-07-05 --------------------------------- - Enhanced Visualization with Colorized Fields: Field values in both entry lists and entry view cards can now be dynamically colorized, allowing for intuitive visualization based on specified rules and field values. - The list field type now offers enhanced versatility with two distinct modes of operation: checklist or ordered list. - Added the ability to display a secondary thumbnail icon in the entries list by selecting a second image field, along with the ability to customize thumbnail placeholders to suit specific preferences. - Added the ability to sort filters, and consolidated all filter editing into a single window. - All cloud libraries and template URLs in the online directory now have the hostname - Fixed Google Map issues. Memento Desktop 3.2.1 2024-04-15 --------------------------------- - Added the ability to display some text as a field description when viewing or editing an entry. - Added the ability to set line limits for entry names and descriptions in the list. - JavaScript: Added the ability to show dialogs in scripts. Refer to the new dialog() method. - JavaScript: Added the ability to restrict access to running a script action for specific library users. Memento Desktop 3.1.2 2023-12-28 --------------------------------- - The ability to set desired image sizes on the reports has been added. - JavaScript: The buildDefaultEntry() method now allows the setting of default values for an entry in triggers when copying or editing. - JavaScript: Added the ability to retrieve and set image caption values from scripts using the entry().images('Field name') method. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 3.1.1 2023-11-23 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 3.1.0 2023-11-10 --------------------------------- - Memento now uses a completely new local database engine for better performance. To take advantage, you'll need to download your libraries from the cloud again. Note that some settings won't transfer automatically. To keep your filters, sorting, and dashboards, export your workspace in the old version and import it in the new one (Menu > File > Workspace). - AI Assistant by ChatGPT: Get AI-powered assistance in creating library structures. - Added ability to move or copy entries to another library. - Added the ability to download images attached to entries during CSV export. Memento Desktop 2.1.0 2023-09-11 --------------------------------- - New field type - Embedded object. Store custom embedded objects with attributes directly within entries. Memento Desktop 2.0.0 2023-07-07 --------------------------------- - Widgets: A customizable object that allows users to visualize and organize data. They can be added to a dashboard or library. Memento now supports aggregation, chart, script, entries list, and shortcuts widgets. - Dashboards: Users can create custom dashboards in Memento Database that display data from different libraries in one place. - Memento now allows users to create a simple user interface using scripts. This functionality is exclusive to scripted widgets. Learn more about building UI via scripts at - Added ability to create library entries using a step-by-step form. - The new "count" aggregation function in the library allows users to view the total number of entries and set up field-based filters for a more precise count. Memento Desktop 1.13.2 2022-11-29 --------------------------------- - New field type - Tree. The Tree field is a set of predefined items with folders that have a hierarchical tree structure. - Attribute values of related entries can be exported and imported from CSV. The format of the name of a column with an attribute shall be as follows: link field name:attribute name. - JavaScript: Added method fields() to the Library object to get all the library field names. - JavaScript: Added ability to get the current username by system().user. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.12.0 2022-07-18 --------------------------------- - New field type - Button. The button field is an interactive field type that lets you trigger certain actions - run script, open URL, share text. - New field type - Lookup. The Lookup field allows you to pull field values from linked entries. - The new permission for the cloud libraries - Ability to copy library structure. The users don't receive this permission for shared libraries by default. Memento Desktop 1.11.1 2022-05-03 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.11.0 2022-04-06 --------------------------------- - Prefilled entries. It is possible to create entries templates with prefilled field values. Where: library > Data > Prefilled entries - Subheader can have hint text now. - Added the ability to make a field read-only, though such fields can still be changed via scripts. - Added ability to enable automatic sorting of elements for choice fields. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.10.3 2022-01-26 --------------------------------- - Added ability to change the application font: menu > help > theme > font. - Added ability to copy a library structure: the library context menu > copy. - Added ability to select the page for displaying related entries: edit library > relations. - Fixed display of images in reports. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.10.1, 2021-05-31 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.10.0, 2021-04-08 --------------------------------- - Defining field validation. - Script: Shared scripts that can be reused in any other scripts. - Script: Added an additional location for the action script button in the entries list. - Script: Added ability to set a filter for an action script. In this case, the action will be available only for entries that satisfy the filter. Memento Desktop 1.9.6, 2020-10-27 --------------------------------- - A new type of entries display Table View - Added new event for triggers - Updating a field. Memento Desktop 1.9.0, 2020-09-21 --------------------------------- - New field type - List. The List field is a set of text strings with checkboxes. - New field type - Tags. The Tags field is an editable text box where you can type in a word and perform search other entries by it. - Added ability to group entries by each value of a multi-select field. How: group > multiple-choice list field > split values. - Added ability to set a field as Unique. - Added ability to search in specific fields. - Call of the calculator for numberic fields. How: editing field > Calculator. Upon enabling of this option, the button of calculator opening will be displaed to the right of the input field. - JavaScript: Added method linksFrom(library name, field name) to the Entry object to get entries from the specified library that have links to the current entry from the specified field. Memento Desktop 1.8.4, 2020-06-30 --------------------------------- - Manual sorting of entries (drag and drop). - Added ability to delete a comment. - Added a new filter condition for numeric fields - "Between". - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.8.2, 2020-04-20 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. - Added Croatian translation. Memento Desktop 1.8.1, 2020-03-19 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. - Added Slovenian translation. - Updated translations. Memento Desktop 1.8.0, 2020-03-17 --------------------------------- - Refreshed UI. - Added ability to group libraries. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.7.1, 2020-01-14 --------------------------------- - Fixed Google Sign In. Memento Desktop 1.7.0, 2019-11-07 --------------------------------- - New field type - User. This type of field allows selecting one or more Memento Cloud users. - Added ability to provide write/delete permissions based on the value of the "User" field. - Added ability to set the full name and avatar of a Memento Cloud user. - "JavaScript" and "Calculation" fields can now be hidden. Memento Desktop 1.6.7, 2019-07-25 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.6.6, 2019-07-04 --------------------------------- - Duration - a new field type intended to store the duration in days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. - Added a new data source for auto-completion -, containing information about board games. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.6.1, 2019-05-06 --------------------------------- - Added ability to create personal access tokens to access Memento Cloud API: Account > Access Tokens. - Improved image loader. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.6.0, 2019-03-23 --------------------------------- - Calendar view that allows you to look through library entries in a calendar. Calendar view is available if there is at least one Date/Time field in the Library. - Added ability to search among million icons and use them in your libraries. This feature is powered by IconFinder. - New type of action script - Bulk Action. To start this script, choose the item with its name from the context menu of entries. The selected entries are available in the script via selectedEntries() function. - Added Estonian translation - Added Swedish translation - Updated translations Memento Desktop 1.5.0, 2018-11-19 --------------------------------- - Added ability to display records on a map. - Added ability to group entries by day, month, or year. - Added ability to search library templates in the online catalog. - The reports can display multiple photos in one field. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.4.5, 2018-08-01 --------------------------------- - New field type - Color. - Added as a data source for autofill. This source contains information about computer games. - Scripts: Added global function email(), which send an email message via SMTP in the background. - Scripts: Added method post() in object Http to send POST (HTTP) requests. - Scripts: Added methods for access to HTTP-headers. Memento Desktop 1.4.0, 2018-05-25 --------------------------------- - Added ability to view the history of entry changes and roll back to one of the previous versions of the entry. - Added ability to use your own measurement units for numeric fields. - Added new autofill source - Library. The source allows filling in entry fields with data from another library. Memento Desktop 1.3.0, 2018-04-07 --------------------------------- - Customizable reports. Ability to print the entries and to export the entries to PDF/DOC/HTML. - Sign in with Google. - Increased speed of loading libraries with script fields. - JavaScript: - a unique identifier of an entry, Library.findById(id) - search for an entry by id. - JavaScript and Calculation fields can now define the color of the entry. The field must return a color in HEX format: #RRGGBB. Memento Desktop 1.2.0, 2018-01-08 --------------------------------- - Attributes for the links. - Added new events for triggers: Linking an entry, Unlinking an entry. - Scripts: Added new aggregation functions by fields from linked entries to calculation fields - $sum, $min, $max, $avg. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.1.0, 2017-09-18 --------------------------------- - Added ability to post comments to entries. - Added ability to specify an entry author during import of entries. - Local database engine was updated. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.0.13, 2017-07-22 --------------------------------- - Added ability to manage team of users via Users Manager. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.0.12, 2017-06-19 --------------------------------- - Added as data source for autofill. This source contains information about computer games. - Ability to choose language for autofill sources: , Google Books. - Added new event for triggers - Opening an library. Memento Desktop 1.0.11, 2017-03-31 --------------------------------- - Added ability to change tariff plan. Memento Desktop 1.0.10, 2017-03-27 --------------------------------- - Scripts: Method recalc() added to object Entry. Initiates recalculation of entry fields. - Scripts: Method set() of object Entry: Second argument for Link to Entry, Link to File, Checkboxes, and Multiple-choice List fields can now be an array and can therefore represent multiple values to be set for the field. Memento Desktop 1.0.9, 2017-03-17 --------------------------------- - Added ability to include in scripts JavaScript libraries and custom code from repositories at - Initiate scripts from button. Ability to request parameters from user to be passed to the script. - Ability to use scripts as a data source for Autofill fields. - Scripts: The following properties are added to the object Entry - creationTime, lastModifiedTime, author. - Scripts: The following methods for connecting entries to object Entry - link(name, entry) / unlink(name, entry) - Scripts: Function exit() is added, which stops script execution. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.0.8, 2017-01-17 --------------------------------- - JavaScript: types of data that are returned by Coordinate and Contact fields were modified. Now you can refer to individual values of these fields. - Horizontal mode of image display for the Image field type was added. - Added Czech translation - Added Dutch translation - Added Polish translation - Added Portuguese translation - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.0.7, 2016-11-21 --------------------------------- - A subheader for fields a new library structure element. Fields located under subheader can be collapsed/expanded on entry cards. - Added ability to set captions for photos. - Added ability to restrict access to certain library fields. Memento Desktop 1.0.6, 2016-10-26 --------------------------------- - Triggers. A Trigger is a script that defines the processing of an entry based on an Event that has taken place. When a trigger script is executed, it may change an existing entry, create a new entry, execute an http request, create a file, perform data validation, etc. - Added ability to set unit of measure for numeric fields. - Added ability to edit linked entries. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 1.0.4, 2016-09-13 --------------------------------- - Fixed a crash which could occur when using "Integer Values" field type. - Using less memory while displaying thumbnails of entries. - Fixed truncation of Real field type. - Fixed sorting issues for Date field type. - Fixed an issue where search query can't find entries, if it contains invisible characters. Memento Desktop 1.0.3, 2016-07-13 --------------------------------- - Type of relationship for "Link to entry" field types: One-to-one, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many. - Added Bulgarian translation - Added Chinese translation - Updated Greek translation Memento Desktop 1.0.2, 2016-07-13 --------------------------------- - Bug fixes. - Added support for Memento Private Server Memento Desktop 1.0.0, 2016-06-23 --------------------------------- - The final version of the Memento Desktop (1.0) has been released. - Bug fixes. Memento Desktop 0.8.2, 2016-05-12 --------------------------------- - Added a language selector: Help > Language. Memento Desktop 0.8.0, 2016-05-06 --------------------------------- - Added autofill from external sources - Google Books,, - Added bulk editing of entries - Ability set up proxy for network connection. Memento Desktop 0.7.5, 2016-04-16 --------------------------------- - Added ability to edit some field types (checkbox , choice) directly from list. - Added ability to set user permissions for library. - Fixed a filter by date. - Added option to open a library by URL. - Added ability to upload template of library in the online-catalog. - Added ability to use the value from the previous entry as a default value for a numeric field. Memento Desktop 0.7.0, 2016-04-08 --------------------------------- - Creating/editing a structure of library - Online catalog of library templates - Fixed a bug with thumbnails. Memento Desktop 0.6.0, 2016-03-14 --------------------------------- - Added Import and Export entries to CSV - Added support for encrypted libraries - Fixed left align for entries without colors - Preserve the group nodes state. - Fixed a bug with wrong decimal symbol for some languages. - Added display count of entries. Memento Desktop 0.5.7, 2016-03-02 --------------------------------- - Grouping entries (multi-level) - Color of entries - Notifications about new versions. - Fixed a security issue: possible to view subordinate library even when user isn't granted access to the them. - Fixed a security issue: edit entries through search, when user isn't granted access to edit. - Fixed crash if library has custom icon - Fixed a crash which could occur when using coordinate. - Fixed a crash which could occur after editing of entry